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[Oct. 30th, 2003|05:20 pm]
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[moodswing | curious]

Just found out the date of my viva. Well, kind of. My boss emailed me to say that it's on Wednesday 11th December (which doesn't exist), so I'm waiting to find out whether she meant Wednesday 10th Decemeber or Thursday 11th Dec. I just hope she got the month right, otherwise it's in a couple of weeks! :s

By the way. Is Halloween tonight or tomorrow? I can never remember. Tonight's known as 'Mischief Night' locally, when all the scallies act like even bigger twats than usual. Apparently the police are taking them all to Alton Towers this year to keep them busy, but I think I'll hide my car all the same....

From: [info]indecisivemonke
2003-10-30 10:37 am (UTC)


this may be sounding thick (Like that's a change) but what's a viva?
From: [info]sideshow_bob
2003-10-30 11:18 am (UTC)


It's where some guys come and grill me about my research, then tell me if I can have my Ph.D or not.

A fun filled afternoon all round!
[User Picture]From: [info]_sweetmisery
2003-10-30 01:17 pm (UTC)


tonight is ALL HALLOW'S EVE which is yes mischeif night tomorrow is HALLOWEEN which is the night said to be "the night when the barrier between the spirit world and the living world is extremely thin and the spirits of the dead can roam the land and also cause mischeif and are stronger then normal" its MY holiday i hate christmas/easter/birthday(mine)/valentines halloween IS my night always has been ever since i was ickle and my mum first taught me about it. :)