bitter and twisted? maybe ... [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
freaks, geeks, slackers and dykes ;)

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[Mar. 2nd, 2004|01:44 am]
[moodswing | tired]

i've shut down this community as it hasnt been touched in months and im thinking of using it as my ranting space as im getting sick of all the back stabbing and bitching thats been going on reguarding private posts and people gossiping. from here on out it's private and all my own.

thanks for trying to make something of this place before though, it was worth the try.
linktis you bitter and/or twisted?

[Nov. 13th, 2003|11:53 pm]


well it was nice while it lasted thanks for trying guys :)
link3 Yeys|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

Something I Got In An Email [Nov. 6th, 2003|10:03 am]
I've learned that you cannot make
someone love you. All you can do is
stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

I've learned that no matter how much I care,
some people are just assholes.

I've learned that it takes years
to build up trust, and it only takes
suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I've learned that you can get by
on charm for about fifteen minutes.
After that, you'd better have a big willy
or huge boobs.

I've learned that you shouldn't
compare yourself to others - they are
more screwed up than you think.

I've learned that you can keep vomiting
long after you think you're finished.

I've learned that we are responsible
for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

I've learned that regardless of
how hot and steamy a relationship is at
first, the passion fades, and there had better
be a lot of money to take its place!

I've learned that 99% of the time when
something isn't working in your house, one
of your kids did it

I've learned that the people you care most
about in life are taken from you too soon
and all the less important ones just never go away.
link1 Yey|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

halloween weekend ... [Nov. 2nd, 2003|12:52 am]


[moodswing | awake]
[thought |tra la laaaaa]

so come on what did you crazy mofo's do for halloween and what would be your ideal fun way to spend halloween if you could do anything?
link2 Yeys|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

[Oct. 30th, 2003|05:20 pm]
[moodswing | curious]

Just found out the date of my viva. Well, kind of. My boss emailed me to say that it's on Wednesday 11th December (which doesn't exist), so I'm waiting to find out whether she meant Wednesday 10th Decemeber or Thursday 11th Dec. I just hope she got the month right, otherwise it's in a couple of weeks! :s

By the way. Is Halloween tonight or tomorrow? I can never remember. Tonight's known as 'Mischief Night' locally, when all the scallies act like even bigger twats than usual. Apparently the police are taking them all to Alton Towers this year to keep them busy, but I think I'll hide my car all the same....
link3 Yeys|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

[Oct. 29th, 2003|11:27 pm]
[moodswing | relaxed]
[thought |Sunglasses - Can't remember who it's by]

Look! I'm posting in a journal!

But can't think of anything so say right now except: Hahaha Lucas Neill!

Gonna watch some CSI now. I'm finding Catherine disturbingly attractive :/
link7 Yeys|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

For those around on Saturday... [Oct. 29th, 2003|08:31 pm]
[moodswing | full]

Before Bowling for Soup, me and The Dude are gonna be warming up with a few drinks somewhere. Not sure where yet, but I imagine it won't be too far from the Astoria. If you fancy meeting with us, yer more than welcome :o)
link2 Yeys|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

[Oct. 29th, 2003|02:00 pm]
[moodswing | amused]

I'm digging the title anyway, but which one of the names do I fall under? (I could make a joke about falling under a dyke)

So who's all here then?
link7 Yeys|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

okay people ... [Oct. 29th, 2003|01:44 pm]


[moodswing | busy]
[thought |whats the matter?]

this is an open community now so you can post ya own thing so none of the just replying stuff if this works cool if it's a flop who cares right? ;)

I cant think of an opening topic so if any of you can feel free.

have fun.
linktis you bitter and/or twisted?

[Oct. 29th, 2003|12:53 am]


[moodswing | tired]
[thought |blah]

okay i havent finished adding everyone yet i will do the rest tomorrow or the day after coz right now the way im lying down my shoulders are killing me.

how are you supposed to edit these entries???? AAARRUUUGGGHHHH LOL! god i need sleep.

EDIT: figured it out coo me so slow lol.
link3 Yeys|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

for the love of god i was BORED!!! ... [Oct. 29th, 2003|12:45 am]


[moodswing | bored]

well loads of time to kill and no friends to help me so i thought i'd just piss about with this and see what could be done.
This'll prolly be a massive flop but i thought i'd toy with a community so here it is feel free to drop any comments and suggestions and to write anything you please from thought of the day to rant of the moment.

link2 Yeys|tis you bitter and/or twisted?

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