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[Apr. 27th, 2004|06:27 pm]
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From: (Anonymous)
2008-04-08 08:22 pm (UTC)

Sedar Pages Top Sedar Sites


Outside Israel sainted lasts 8 days, from which first two and finishings two, are valuable holidays.Kashrut on PesakhKhamets (kvass)Principal item: KhametsKhamets. Like, jewries - the proprietors of shops sell all the "chametz" non-jude, fully realizing that a new "proprietor" can request the ownness. Ashkenazskie families which buy new tableware to the holiday at first dip it in boiling water, to clean any tracks of butters or materials which could contain "chametz". In this night jewries must read easter Khaggadu, where told about Result from Egypt, and to conduct an easter meal in conformity with tradition. Before bringing of omer in Temple jewries it was forbidden to use a new harvest. In memory about it in this day read a fragment from Tori, devoted these events, including Song at the seaside.
Look also: the new york times passover (http://dmglfh.150m.com/seder-di1a)
cavan seder (http://mfbqgd.150m.com/words-to72)
pesach hotel (http://mfbqgd.150m.com/edition-db)
how to do passover (http://dmglfh.150m.com/matzo-baf5)
passover (http://johndoolittle.247ihost.com/passover1504.html) passover (http://maureenbizzle.my3gb.com/passover9013.html)