Jul. 15th, 2004 | 09:51 pm 
feeling [mood icon] bored
Baby otter!

Today i saw a small duck and didn't know what type it was (immature moorhen is my best guess), which i suspect loses me many crazy duck lady points . Last weekend Hester came to stay, so Dan had two duck lovers on the premises. He is brave, and quite possibly has strange choice in friends. Was lovely to see Hester, and i felt relieved to have seen Shrek 2 with her, as she too wanted to take Antonio Banderas the cat home. We are sick individuals.

Hester had huuuuuge purple cords which make their own special noise when she walks, which was funky. Last night t'other Dan was wearing his very sexy cowbow boots, one of which had Tigger in briefly though i can't begin to remember why. My friends all have much more interesting fashion sense than me.

This random post is brought to you because Dan is in the bath and i'm bored.
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Jul. 15th, 2004 | 04:30 pm 
feeling [mood icon] okay
I just popped out the house carrying only a letter and set of keys. I am far, far too proud of the fact that i managed to put the correct one of these items in the post box.


Dan and I went out to sign the lease on the new place earlier. All is now seriously under way, and all is well. At least until we have to start putting crap in boxes and sorting through everything. *does the dance of relief*
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Jul. 14th, 2004 | 04:30 pm 
feeling meh
I never do these pointless things. But i did, so here it is. Must be Trig's fault as she is the one i nicked it from. I like that explanation )
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Jul. 1st, 2004 | 03:54 pm 
feeling [mood icon] thoughtful
We have somewhere to live next month )
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Jul. 1st, 2004 | 03:32 pm 
feeling [mood icon] thoughtful
My folks came to stay last wednesday afternoon, and stayed until tuesday. They provided an admirable parental taxi service, bought food, took us out for meals, attacked the garden and other cleaning type tasks and generally were wonderful.

Best thing, though, was simply having them around. I shall remember best the sitting about of an afternoon, not quite watching wimbledon, surrounded by bits of newspapers and crosswords and just talking. I have great parents, and maybe one of the reasons for it is this - if we were not related, i would still want to be good friends with them. As Jane came over from Milton Keynes for the afternoon just to see them, I am not the only one who feels that way.

It did come as a slight relief to get the house back to ourselves, but that is just because it gets to feel quite a lot smaller when the number of occupants doubles for the week.

Dad - we seem to have gained a pen from you guys. It will be well looked after in the manner in which it would expect, as the crossword has been attacked daily with it since you left. I shall continue to resist the crossword gene's pull towards the cryptic puzzles, however :-D

Given the cost of the coming months move, we can't afford to go anywhere for a good long while. The exception will be a trip to Edinburgh to see Mum and Dad again, and admire the new flat in town, funded by them. Hopefully Dan can arrange a decent bit of time off late August or after. I'm really looking forward to seeing them again soon.
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Jun. 22nd, 2004 | 09:55 pm 
feeling [mood icon] grateful
Watching a documentary on the sixties and being gay. So glad i'm around now.


And, why not. Though bear in mind house hunting plus my folks coming to stay tomorrow may mean answers not being immediately forthcoming.

Ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that could be obvious, but you have no idea about. Then post this in your own lj and find out what people don't know about you.
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happy happy joy joy   
May. 16th, 2004 | 11:27 am 
feeling [mood icon] happy
Many thanks for an astounding stream of birthday wishes. My elderly self feels the love, and sends it back a hundredfold.

Yesterday, i felt like BBC2 gave me a pressie, by showing The Red Shoes, which i love to bits. I can't really explain why i like it so much, but it makes me very happy (until it makes me cry buckets at the end, obviously). I think my love of this ballet film shows i'm rather girlier than i usually like to let on :-)

Jane and Dan came over and there were actual presents to open, which was most exciting. Dan got me A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, so i can read something thats not scifi for a change (though i read Breakfast at Tiffany's last week, so i'm doing quite well at that for me). Jane bought me hair straighteners, which is exciting but means i have to learn to use them, as i tend to be rather cack handed at wielding things around my head. I'm sure practise will make it okay.

Meal was good, with far too much food, and punctuated by amusing Eurovision text updates from Dan's friend Adam. Film, pressies, food, excuse to get dressed up. I had a really, really good day :-D
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Birthday Confusion   
May. 15th, 2004 | 12:04 pm 
feeling [mood icon] happy
Today, i turn 27. This has thrown me, as i have thought i was already that old for at least six months. My wrist's infirmity is not helping how old i feel (better than it was, with puter off all day thursday and only about an hour on it yesterday and today).

So, yeah. Thank you very much for all the good wishes, on here and to those who sent cards (Niall, now you know how old i am, are you still scared?). I am currently lazing in pyjama's while Dan hoovers, which is a nice birthday gift all on its own. Later t'other Dan and Jane will join us for a chinese meal in town, and talking crap and being silly and all that important stuff, as i act my mental age rather than the real one :-D

Birthday hugs and snogs to all who want them *mwah*
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May. 12th, 2004 | 11:56 am 
feeling [mood icon] aggravated
My right wrist is screwed. Yesterday afternoon, with no obvious immediate cause, it started hurting a lot. Using it for anything much (on occasion even blowing my nose and opening the fridge) was difficult. I was incapable of finishing the washing up, which reduced me to floods of tears. I know this is daft, but i'm not feeling like a useful enough human being at the moment to deal with not being able to do my basic stuff.

This is all probably down to my computer habit. Dan was getting pains last year, and improved things by only using the mouse with his main hand for games, and the rest of the time using it with the other (which he still does). Dan is a lefty, and was already far more ambidextrous than me, which i think goes with that. I am shite with my left hand. I have moved the mouse to the wrong side for my morning journals and what-not perusing, and it feels horrible. I'm slow and all over the place. Typing is okay, thoug, i think i need to investigate more keyboard shortcuts for this browser.

Yes, obviously, i could be doing something other than using the machine. I will use it less, but i get narky when i'm forced into something and dig my heels in more than is probably good for me.

Going for a walk would be more appealing if it wasn't so grey. Can i have proper May weather back for my birthday, please? I need to go out at some point, as my brother's girlfriend has the same birthday as me, so i have no excuse to forget about sending something. If i can get her card there on time, after Mum's arrived on time for her earlier in the week, then i think that is my quota of card organisation for the year. Everyone else will be back to getting them two days late, like usual.

Now my left arm is aching a little from all this unaccustomed use. I don't think i can win today. Meh.
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Home Again   
May. 3rd, 2004 | 06:58 pm 
feeling [mood icon] thoughtful
Survived Fusion. Lots of fun, now very tired. Proper post on it some time that isn't now.

Was most impressed to find the trains running totally smoothly on a bank holiday, and got back here about 3pm. Have since then unpacked, done a load of washing, had a bath and caught up on the real people on the journals. Have a billion tabs open from that, i may actually reply to some of them. This all counts as getting something done in my current state. We never eat ready meals, except after travelling, so some nice looking indian stuff awaits nuking later.

Came back to a letter from the agency, we have a couple months to let them know if we want to renew the lease on the house or not. Discussing this, i was rather thrown to think that we could live literally anywhere we fancy, given my jobless state and the fact that Dan works from home. I moved around lots as a kid, but this was following Dad's jobs around the country. The only move i've ever made that wasn't about work or learning was when Jane and I moved back to Brum to be near her folks. The idea that we could go anywhere in the world is a fascinating and strange one. I don't think either of us really want to leave the country, and i'm not sure we have the energy to sort out moving anywhere other than around this city at the moment. But the fact that it is possible is there all the same.
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Apr. 27th, 2004 | 06:42 pm 
feeling [mood icon] cranky
hearing Josh Ritter
I am in a crappy mood today. PMT should not visit when i take the pill straight through. Hopefully it will pass in a couple days, and i won't have to kill anyone at Fusion, which was the reason for doing it. We are stewarding for the first time - should be interesting, and better for all concerned if i'm not on and narky whilst briefly handed such power ;-) Dressing up is not happening in any way, as i can't spend any money on it and don't want to look crap compared to all you lot who do it so well. I shall settle for good hair (following a trim tomorrow) and my sunny personality to help in my stalking of Nathan Fillion.

Had a very good time in Tod with Dan's family this weekend, but it has left this week feeling a bit nothingy, just a staging area before heading off to Blackpool on thursday. I think this is due to advancing old age, as we need more time to recover from going away. Given how dead we were yesterday (and not much better today), the con will kill us for at least a week.


My folks have sold their four bed house in deepest Broxburn (a hole of a place) and found a two bed flat in Edinburgh proper to move into. I knew they would have to downsize a bit eventually, as the last house was too big with just the two of them, but it will still be quite odd. Them in a flat and me in a house seems like an upset in the natural order of things. That said, it looks like a nice wee place and i look forward to staying with them and being able to do stuff around Edinburgh without needing lifts everywhere. Maybe this year we will do some of the festival, should Dan be allowed actual holiday time.
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Apr. 20th, 2004 | 02:39 pm 
feeling want a platypus, dammit
My Dan is a very unreasonable boyfriend. Despite my best silver-tongued efforts, he is refusing to get me a pet platypus for my birthday. Alternate suggestions including giraffe, wombat and yeti also went down like a lead balloon. Such a cruel boy.

Anyway. On Saturday we saw the tiniest ducks in all the world. These 10 duckling can have only been a few days old, and nearly caused me to die from a cuteness attack. I had to be forcibly towed away to the pub for lunch, which is not something i would normally resist. Mental confusion from duck overload possibly explains why we both ate salad, but i think the fish and chips for tea safely eradicated any health benefits from the greenery.

Last night saw Jane for the first time in far too long, as she keeps working lots and then running of to Milton Keynes (fool!). T'other Dan came too, fun and nonsense ensued, and am heading off with him in a wee bit to see Capturing the Friedmans, which will be disturbing.

As you can see, my life is lots of fun despite the big platypus-shaped hole in it, and i should be happy with my lot. Awkward as ever, i keep moaning about it becuase i can. If i report a breakup in the next few days, you will know the cause ;-)
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Apr. 6th, 2004 | 11:44 am 
feeling [mood icon] confused
About the last post, i realised what the problem with pronouncing the year twenty-oh-four is. To me, that sounds like THA FUTURE [/hoggy], whereas two thousand and four is obviously this year. I worked this out last night, and can't for the life of me decide why i think that way, other than the fact that i am very strange.

Hmmm. I really ought to be more used to not making any sense to myself. I shall go food shopping and duck spotting and see if this helps any.
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Apr. 5th, 2004 | 05:35 pm 
feeling [mood icon] irritated
Had a nice saturday, went out for pub lunch and then saw Zatoichi, which is fun. This is the third day in a little over a week where Dan has made time for us to spend together around his current workload, and it makes me quite pathetically happy when he does. At the moment, the closest he comes to a day off is just doing 3 or 4 hours work in a day. Thank goodness we are going up to [info]kittynic's next weekend so he can't work. I had a migraine yesterday, which on top of a lazy no washing up day on saturday means almost everything needs to be done. I've been avoiding the kitchen all day but i don't think this can go on for much longer - if i do the new lifeforms currently gestating in there will emerge to kill us.

The radio prompts me to ask: How do you pronounce the year?

I say, and assumed all right thinking folk did so too, two thousand and four. Eddie Mair on PM every so often says twenty oh four, and someone on Four Corners earlier said two oh oh four, and i find both these examples really annoying. I like the relief of periodically getting pissed of by something really minor and picky.
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Apr. 2nd, 2004 | 04:48 pm 
feeling [mood icon] confused
hearing Badly Drawn Boy
Jane told me once about when she realised other people had her name. She was very young, and most put out that someone else was called Jane, which clearly should just be for her. When you have a name which is more unusual, the fact that other people share your name can still come as something of a shock in your 20's.

Now, i'm not 4 years old, and have intellectually accepted there are other folks called Aileen out there. Not many, but i've seen a few books by an Aileen, and even talked to a couple of them. The thing is, 99% of the time when i see the word written down it refers to me. Some part of my head has yet to get past the fact that this shape made up of 6 letters means me, and only me. This makes reading reviews of the film Monster a very strange experience. All the discussion of Aileen the serial killer messes with my head. I shall have to go see it, if only to enhance my confusion and, just a little, to enjoy the idea of Christina Ricci going out with an Aileen ;-)
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Mar. 24th, 2004 | 11:03 pm 
feeling snotty
Had a crappy few days, i doubt you want to know )
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Surrealist Compliment Generator   
Mar. 22nd, 2004 | 06:08 pm 
feeling [mood icon] silly
this is fun, and i've just spent quite a while playing

Your mother once had eyes that shone like the legs of Mae West
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Mar. 21st, 2004 | 03:21 pm 
  Those of you that have seen City of God may find this observer article interesting, in which a journalist goes to see what has become of the actors from the film.  
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Mar. 20th, 2004 | 02:16 pm 
feeling [mood icon] hungry
When i walked into the kitchen i thought the washing machine was still spinning. Then i realised that what i could hear was in fact the wind outside. I think seeing Zatoichi will have to wait for a day much nicer day. Staying in to avoid the weather doesn't work so well when the weather keeps intruding loudly down the chimney next to me, though.

Had a nice afternoon in town with Jane yesterday. Ended up buying some pretty cheap trousers, so i now own a smart black pair that fit. Now i just have to get my head round owning a size 18. I think the last time i was this big i avoided buying anything that size as i didn't want to admit it to myself. What the hell, at least my hair looks good.


Happy Birthday [info]_random_! I hope the weather is better for you on holiday :-D
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Mar. 18th, 2004 | 02:27 pm 
feeling [mood icon] hungry
hearing Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
Catch up post following a migraine, as is often the case. The pc didn't get swtiched on for 2 whole days at the beginning of the week, which is most unusual around here.

Weekend was Tim's housewarming, and much fun was had. The flat is nice, and a very decent size for a one bedroom place (makes my last abode look tiny). Good to see many members of what is ofen referred to as the Geekstalt (not entirely sure about that one, but what the hell). Gamecube silliness, excessive meta geekery and food and drink make for a fun time. Most exciting to meet VeggieSu for the first time, who is as lovely as we had imagined.

Thanks to the Harrison lending library, i have 3 books to read in the next couple weeks. Kim Stanley Robinson's latest, Forty Signs of Rain, was a most welcome addition to my migraine reading on tuesday. Feeling none to good, i couldn't face up to continuing with Light for the moment, as i needed something where the characters might be people i wanted to spend time with. Robinson came through admirably (i read it all that day) and is highly recommended to all and sundry.

Last night we went to see 21 Grams. It is the first week of release, but i was still rather surprised to encounter a full cinema for an arty-ish flick on a random wednesday night. I guess big names and award nom's do make the difference. The full house did lead to some very inappropriate giggling in places, which i could really have done without. I did find Naomi Watts a little overwrought in places, but nothing to laugh about kids. Sean Penn did his usual fine turn, but Benecio del Toro stole it for me, as he tends to do. He is one of those actors i cannot take my eyes off on screen - mesmerising, though i couldn't begin to tell you why.

Dan posed an interesting question on the way home. The script was written in Spanish, before being translated (i think by the orignal author) as the director was able to make a bigger picture following the success of Amores Perros. How would we have reacted differently had it had subtitles and actors we didn't know from other places? Not that either of us came up with an answer, you understand, but its something to think about :-)
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