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[Jun. 1st, 2004|05:12 pm]
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We're The Mean Team.

That's right kids,
The Mean Team.

You've probably heard of us.
You probably envy us.

Want to be like us?
Add mean team groupie to your interests.

We'll check you out.

From: [info]colonel_froggie
2004-06-01 03:08 pm (UTC)


Curious. Noone's added 'mean team groupie' to their interests list but you.
From: [info]burgunde
2004-06-01 06:00 pm (UTC)


Sorry, Froggie, but TWO MORE!!!!! people have added the interest, both of which are already in the Mean Team. The showed you up GOOD!
From: [info]lovely_insane_
2004-06-01 07:11 pm (UTC)


damn straight.
From: [info]colonel_froggie
2004-06-01 07:26 pm (UTC)


Alright, but it's even sadder that they're their own groupies.
From: (Anonymous)
2004-06-03 12:25 am (UTC)


What's even funnier is that she has no friends.
[User Picture]From: [info]psychoticyoshi
2004-06-23 04:11 pm (UTC)


i think the reason they have no friends is because they're dumb. or judgemental and rude.
From: [info]lovely_insane_
2004-06-23 05:53 pm (UTC)



[User Picture]From: [info]psychoticyoshi
2004-06-23 05:59 pm (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]warpedchyld
2004-07-02 12:36 am (UTC)


Why are guys doing this? you lovely insane. Why are you attacking my community? And the rest of you, what is missing your lives that you actualy have to form a clique that does nothing but cause agravation and inconvenience to others?

Even with the bad quality your pictures still reveal four lovely looking girls, so why do you spend your time pulling stunts on DJ when you could, nay SHOULD, be out doing other things?

You have insulted not only me, but all the people in my community and only the gods know how many others. I bear you no ill will, I just want to know WHY you do it.
From: [info]lovely_insane_
2004-07-02 07:38 am (UTC)


it's fun.
you people take everything wayyyy too seriously.
and that's why we do it.
[User Picture]From: [info]warpedchyld
2004-07-03 12:23 am (UTC)


If you had shown up, just acting like a goof and sending some jokes or something light tempered, we all would have probably laughed and a good time had by all.

But you posted some downright mean and insulting things. Funny to you mayhap, but not to us. And probably not funny to any other comms you hit. Please don't spam our community anymore. If you want to post legitimate posts, or helpful ones, you are more than welcome too, but please, no more insults or mean spirited remarks.